How Matcha Change our Life II

How Matcha Change our Life II
How Matcha Change our Life II-Xmgreatrise-Matcha
Relieves stress. Matcha has insanely high amounts of a specific amino acid called L-theanine, which has strong associations with the production of alpha waves in the brain. When L-theanine is absorbed into the bloodstream, dopamine and serotonin levels tend to rise, which often produce alpha waves, which often produce feelings of well-being, general happiness, relaxation, and alertness.

Helps you lose weight. Several key studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded that quality matcha has thermogenic properties (thermogenesis is the rate at which the human body burns calories), and that exercising immediately after drinking matcha resulted in 25% more fat burning during exercise.

Delights the palate. Breakaway Matcha has so much umami (the fifth taste along with salt, sweet, sour, and bitter) in it that it’s hard to believe that it’s just green tea. It’s more akin to a world-class red wine, in terms of acid structure, maximum umami, and long, long finish. Wine lovers and epicures tend to immediately take to matcha for these reasons.

Gives you better breath. Really! And not just compared with shall-we –charitably-call-it unpleasant coffee breath. The catechin blast of matcha acts as a kind of sterilizing agent. A cup of matcha after a meal retards the growth of germs, which cause periodontal disease and halitosis (bad breath). It also protects the tooth enamel. Dentists LOVE matcha.